John Sandin
Artist - Oil on canvas

Paintings            Prints            Instagram            About            Contact

I produce abstract, traditional, and surreal imagery, with occasional overlapping. I seek and embrace chance artistic mishaps and often use deep concentration to develop them further.

Currently, I begin by creating tiny automatist sketches (a lifelong habit), in both pencil and ballpoint pen, which I photograph, and then color using digital methods. The most successful of these images are developed into finished oil paintings on canvas.

My selection criterion for any image, from start to finish, is that I continue to enjoy viewing it after a long review period, especially if my initial reaction to it was negative.

My current work explores how the look and feel of abstract expressionist painting can be re-rendered via traditional representation, while maintaining expressionistic methods, and with a degree of sentimentality if the image is thereby enhanced.

My paintings are sometimes painstakingly built up over time, and sometimes happen quickly.

Each painting is a revealed system of forms, each of which has specific attributes and must be either rendered correctly, improved, or removed for the good of the whole.

I have been an artist since 1977. I began by painting in acrylics, but after 2 years I changed disciplines, and earned a BFA in Printmaking from the University Of Kansas in 1981. I was accepted with an assistantship into the MFA Printmaking program at the University Of South Florida (Tampa), where I spent 1 semester in 1981, studying under Peter Schroth and Edward F. Fry. My work at that time consisted of intaglio and lithographic limited edition prints. These were created primarily by overlapping transparencies of found printed typography and graphic images, which I photographically transferred to printing plates. In 1982 I temporarily retired from visual art, and produced experimental music almost exclusively until 2000. Since then, I have been working in oil on canvas with a few long periods of returning to music.

BFA, Printmaking, University Of Kansas 1981
1 semester in MFA Printmaking program, University Of South Florida 1981

Student Art Show, University of Kansas 1980
New MFA Program Student Art Show, University Of South Florida 1981
Jones Gallery July Group Art Show, Kansas City 2023
Jones Gallery August Group Art Show, Kansas City 2023
Jones Gallery September Group Art Show, Kansas City 2023
Jones Gallery November Group Art Show, Kansas City 2023
Jones Gallery December Group Art Show, Kansas City 2023
The Roaring 20 Gallery and Event, Kansas City 2023